Taken across the street from an office complex where I took depositions in a pregnancy discrimination case. This is a typical Ontario, California landscape. Large scale warehouse space and office parks built on large parcels of vacant land, around large parcels of vacant land.
As the landscape in San Bernardino changes we continue to confront the employment problems in San Bernardino.
#sanbernardino #employeelawyer
Whether your job is warehouse work, or window installation we can represent you in a case against your employer. In fact, I have represented all sorts of employees in my near 24 year career representing employees in cases against their employer. The list is long...
Medical personnel, emergency rescue, financial/banking, retail, teachers, sales people, executives, officers of companies, you name it!
Whether your job is warehouse work, or window installation we can represent you in a case against your employer. In fact, I have represented all sorts of employees in my near 24 year career representing employees in cases against their employer. The list is long...
Medical personnel, emergency rescue, financial/banking, retail, teachers, sales people, executives, officers of companies, you name it!
Good news for the City of Ontario, home of my San Bernardino County office, the City of Ontario is getting back its airport. 182 airport jobs are going to be preserved in this deal.
Why and how Los Angeles got control of the airport in Ontario is unbelieveable, and it is unclear how many people knew the Ontario Airport was controlled by Los Angeles before the news today Ontario is getting it back. Allegedly they were circumventing an anti-expansion of LAX by having the Ontario airport. Since 2007 the Ontario airport has lost 2/3 of its passengers. This is interesting because during this period LAX has more than doubled its passengers, and not by small numbers but numbers in excess of 10,000,000!
It will be interesting to see how this airport debacle unfolds and whether the Ontario Airport can gain a substantial number of passengers marketing itself instead of through Los Angeles which basically, "Used" the airport.
#OntarioAirport #Ontarioemployeelawyer
On my circuit of reviewing the snacks at mediation providers, I am going to have to vote this Century City snack area at ARC the best in this three part series. My vote is largely based on the cookie and pastry selection which was refreshed and changed throughout the long day. The coffee service seen in the picture is similar to the packets in my Sherman Oaks office, but we have a much larger selection if you care to visit. The breach of executive employment contract case I mediated at this Los Angeles facility did settle, and I would have been much more pissed off during the negotiation were it not for this selection.
The snack selection of two Burbank mediators. Note the white cookies at the top. As indicated in my previous post, my main reason for using these mediators are the Greek cookies visible in this selection. Notwithstanding my selection of these mediators due to their cookie offerings they are good mediators. I took this picture when I was at their office on an age discrimination/FMLA lawsuit the EEOC referred to me, and one of these mediators settled.
Rancho Cucamonga; the snack buffet at IVAMS, the big alternative dispute resolution center for the Inland Empire. Some lawyers judge the quality of the alternative dispute resolution facility by the selection of their snacks. JAMS has a large coffee selection. A private mediator in Burbank is famous for the greek cookies his mother makes.
I stopped in today at IVAMS, for coffee, and ended up settling a healthcare whistleblower retaliation case in a short mediation with a retired judge. Because this was over the lunch hour, I sampled the snack in the gum dispenser style containers. I will return to IVAMS for whatever is in those two dispensers.