Anybody can file a lawsuit against their employer, but only an experienced employee lawyer knows which employee lawsuits can be won and for how much. Truthfully, most work situations are not the subject matter of a court case or binding arbitration. Less than 20% of the employees who call a well-known labor lawyer have a case of any sort, including ones too small to bring.
Employee lawsuits against employers fall into only four categories:
The above four categories relate to the ultimate harm suffered by the employee. Within these categories there are some sub-categories by subject matter, but not type of harm suffered. For example, there are some circumstances in which harassment based upon another protected characteristic might be a case such as disability harassment, medical condition harassment, or pregnancy harassment. Additionally, categories such as lost wages encompass breaches of contract for bonuses, commissions, stock options, or missed meal breaks, overtime, prevailing wage, paystub errors, and rest breaks. I got into a fight with somebody at work and was wrongfully blamed for starting it, I don’t like the review I got, or my manager is giving me a hard time are not cases. I have a great case for sexual harassment or unpaid wages but I am afraid to tell anybody and certainly won’t sue is not a case that will ever be brought. But it should. Bring the good cases, call 909-663-2100 for an experienced employee lawyer.
Our labor lawyers only represent employees. We only take employee cases on a contingency which means we are only paid when and if we win. Our labor employers are all experienced. We routinely arbitrate, try in court, mediate, and appeal employee lawsuits. Our labor lawyers do not get involved in pre-lawsuit settlement demands. If you need a severance agreement negotiated or your case is not good enough to file but you think your employer might have some interest in settling it we can refer you to an employee lawyer who might be able to help.
By now you have probably gotten the idea The Employment Lawyers Group is a very serious law firm. We only take cases that can be won. We are not interested in exposing clients to the time and stress of going through an employment lawsuit they cannot win, or cannot be brought under California law. We won’t take cases for a few thousand dollars. Given the seriousness of our firm it is important you give us your complete attention. New clients need to call in when they are not distracted by background noise or others. Please give us the respect of asking you the right legal questions. New clients who are intent on telling us everything that has no legal relevance do not do themselves a service. Finally, we do not have time to talk to significant others, spouses, or parents about your case before you are a client. We need to talk to the actual employee who has been wronged. Additionally, we need to maintain the attorney client privilege which is lost when others get involved in the conversation.
We are not stuffy lawyers sitting in a high-rise office building. Our business are employees from all walks of life. Although Firm Founder, Karl Gerber’s opponent accused him of resorting to obscure slang explaining the difference between boojey, booje, and booshi in analyzing the employer’s conduct he won his clients $400,000. Unless you want to be represented by a boojey law firm, you better call 909-663-2100 FOR A KICK ASS LABOR LAWYER.
Lawyers for work issues only get involved if somebody has lost their job, been harassed due to a protected characteristic, suffered a work injury, or are owed more than a few thousand dollars in wages (in the event of a class action a few thousand owed by many people might be a case). Not all work issues are illegal. Many work issues do not have remedies in court. This means there is nothing an employment lawyer can do about many workplace situations. Employment lawyers are generally not in the business of communicating with employers about how they should act. A lawyer should only threaten actions that can be resolved in a court, administrative agency, or through arbitration.
Our work attorneys have achieved significant results for California employees. These results include:
Give our Inland Empire labor lawyers a chance. In the Inland Empire we have offices in Ontario and Riverside. We also have offices in many other locations.
Contact us today at 1-909-663-2100